What Caused Sikkim Floods 2023, Is it a Climate Emergency?

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) pose significant dangers and have a range of negative impacts. One of the most alarming consequences is the loss of human lives. The devastating event that occurred in Kedarnath in 2013 is a reminder of the destructive potential of GLOFs. The cloudburst triggered an outburst of the Chorabari Glacier lake, … Read more

Why Every Young Person Needs Insurance: Understanding the Types and Benefits

woman talking to her clients

As a young person, it’s easy to assume that insurance is something that only older, more established individuals need. However, the truth is that insurance is important at any age, and there are several types of insurance that can provide significant benefits to young people. In this article, we’ll explore why insurance is important for … Read more

An essay on my country and best paragraphs.

person holding round glasses in shallow photo

We have collected the 5 best essays on my country India with paragraphs of 200 words for school students. One: An Essay on My Country (200 words). My Country India is one of the best nations in the world. I am proud to be an Indian. In this Essay on My Country, we are going … Read more

An Essay on global warming and effects.

orange fire

In the whole earth’s history, Global warming is one of the biggest problems faced by the earth. The glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, rivers are drying, states are facing droughts and many more problems are caused by global warming. In India so far thousands of people are affected due to the harmful impacts … Read more

Shradha, Nature’s own girl with the soul of Art.

Art and the artist are life partners. It is significantly said by Thomas Merton “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Art is the true way of absorption within ourselves. True happiness gets into you in no time when you see shining faces in the audience. Today, it is a … Read more