One: Essay on Organic Farming for Students (Short Organic Farming Essay)
Organic Farming is an agricultural method that uses biofertilizers that improves the quality and fertility of the soil. In this short essay on organic farming, we are going to discuss the pros and cons of Organic Farming. The Organic market has significantly increased in the last three decades. People have become more concerned about their own health; it is the main reason why people choose organic food over inorganic foods. Most of the farmers are also shifting towards organic farming.
As we are well aware that agriculture is the major source of income for crores of Indians. Most of them use pesticides and chemical fertilizers for improving the yield of their crops. However, there are various negative impacts of using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They can vary from soil pollution to reduction of fertility in the soil. However, there are various states in India that have adapted to the practice of Organic Farming.

In India, Sikkim was the first state to become an organic state. It was in the year 2015 when the state of Sikkim got this feat. The states like Kerala and Himachal Pradesh have also produced significant gains from organic farming. They have policies that promote the use of Organic Fertilizers.
Let’s look at the pros and cons of Organic Farming for this essay on organic farming.
Pros of Organic Farming.
- Products from organic farming make people healthy.
- Soil quality remains intact.
- The water holding capacity of soil becomes better.
- The natural cycle of soil is maintained.
- Prevents soil pollution.
Cons of Organic Farming.
- The soil quality has already been damaged due to inorganic farming, organic farming cannot give reliable economic benefits.
- There can be low Yields in the beginning.
- Organic farming certification is difficult.
- Most people prefer to buy cheaper fruits and vegetables, organic products are costly.
- There are very less marketing facilities for organic farming.
In the holistic way, we can conclude that the Organic Farming has better overall benefits. Everyone should opt for Organic Farming because it is the need of an hour.
End of first essay on organic farming.
Two: An Essay on Organic Farming: Sustainable Development and Organic Farming.
Organic Farming and Sustainable Development are correlated with each other. We know that Organic Farming is an agricultural method that uses biofertilizers and techniques that improves the quality and fertility of the soil. In this Essay on Organic farming, we are going to discuss about the relationship between Sustainable Development and Organic Farming.
Sustainable Development is an idea of holistic development of the human and the society. It was first used in the Bruntland Commission Report. The main aim of Sustainable Development is to provide a long-term solution for ongoing problems that include global warming and climate change.
Human beings have already caused damage to society in the name of development. We are in the era of the sixth mass extinction. It is predicted that most of the animals and plant species will vanish in the upcoming years. Everything has been caused due to human greed and the destruction of natural resources. However, the survival of human beings is also very much important.
Through Sustainable Development, we protect the survival of human beings as well as the mother earth. There are three pillars of Sustainable Development namely Social, Economic, and Environmental. The social pillar looks for the social upliftment of an individual, an economic pillar looks for the economic well-being of an individual and an environmental pillar looks for the environmental solution.

Organic farming is the perfect implementation of the idea of Sustainable Development. It incorporates all three pillars of Sustainable Development. The three types of developments are achieved if organic farming is being practiced. Social and Economic upliftment of the people will happen. In the Environmental Benefits there will be a better union between nature and culture, the soil quality increases.
End of second Essay on organic farming.
Three: Organic Farming Essay on Sikkim
Sikkim is the first state to be declared as a fully organic farming state. The state of Sikkim received this feat in the Year 2015. However, the people of Sikkim were practicing Organic Farming for a long time. They use organic fertilizers, mostly cow dung manure.
The state of Sikkim is a hilly state so, the cows are not left free to roam. They are kept in a cowshed all the time. As a bed people use a stack of dry plant leaves.
There is also a separate shed for collecting cow dung. So, whenever the bed is removed, it goes to the cow dung shed. This mixture of leaves and cow dung becomes perfect organic manure for the plant. The government of Sikkim also promotes the use of vermicompost by providing necessary micro-organisms.
As er know that, organic farming is the perfect implementation of the idea of Sustainable Development. It incorporates all three pillars of Sustainable Development. The three types of developments are achieved if organic farming is practiced by the farmers. Social and Economic upliftment of the people will happen. In the Environmental Benefits there will be a better union between nature and culture, the soil quality increases.
Sikkim is already in the process of Sustainable Development. Sometimes it is also known as the green state. There is a lot to learn by the whole of India from the Sikkim in terms of both Sustainable Development and Organic Farming.
End of third essay on organic farming.
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